Arhive etichetă: online money

Market Glory /en

MarketGlory is an economic and military simulator where you can convert and earn virtual money for real money . The first thing you need is an account and loads of patience … do not expect to get money since very begining . After 4 weeks you can raise from 10 to 20 euro and you can further your business depending on the game.

As a beginner I recommend you make all 10 fights in battle referrals. Then it is very important to click daily work at work – job offers . After 3 days worked consecutively will receive a bonus from the state worth £ 500 . But this bonus is related to your productivity and because in the very begining your productivity is low, you will get a low percentage in bonus . Seems a little far but as the days go, you gain experience and increase your energy and the money you earn will be more and more .

Each player in MarketGlory community has the opportunity to : work , establish companies, run the government, recommend referrals, gain military ranks and build their own organization. If you bring players ( referrals) who are active will receive 0.1 points for each day that they log and for each full each month you will receive money 20 euros depending on how many points you have . 1 point is worth between 0.5 – 1.5 euros.

 If you have energy greater than 1 at 11:30 , you get a bonus for every referral depending on how much energy you have . Up to 3 gold .

If you have decided that you want to make money then you click here and create an account , invite friends , make sure you have energy every day at 11:30 and do not forget about the 10 fights and DO NOT FORGET TO WORK.